Sunday, 12 September 2010

I'm fighting fit and having fun

Since my nasty little hiccup of an op, the Mummy has changed my diet from dried food to half dried, half wet, so I'd like to pass on bucket loads of thanks to the vet for insisting I have wet food during my recovery period - it's the best ever!  The Mummy and the Daddy say I've got loads of energy (more so than before) and I think they're probably right.  It's either down to the new food or perhaps to the fact I've no longer got a piece of corn cob stuck in my innards!!

There's been lots of playing recently.  Ball play went down the pan for a while after my op, but I found a new and exciting game to replace this - catch the light.  It drives me up the wall (literally) - I chase this little light that flickers around the room (usually the kitchen cupboards) until I go so berserk all I can do it bark and bark to show my overwhelming happiness.

Poppy chasing a light

My folks have also come up with a new game which involves me getting some kind of yummy treat (they bought a load at the Burghley Horse Trials last week), or my favourite ball, out of an upturned plastic cup.  It's really easy to do (but I let them think it's quite hard, just so I get lots of praise and goodies).
Find the treat (or the ball)
My other new game is hunt the Pepper.  He used to hide in the airing cupboard all day so I always knew where to go to annoy him.  These last few weeks he's been shifting around abit for his day time sleeps so I have to mooch around the house looking for him.  His latest hideout (if you can call it that) is Katie's bed.  This is brilliant as the Katie used to have one of those really tall beds, with steps, so I wasn't able to get up there and see Pepper, but now he's within reach.  Things are fine until he starts to hiss and I start to bark, then the folk get abit fed up with it all and turf me out of the room.
Yippee - I've found Pepper!


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