Tuesday, 9 November 2010

With the family

Dog life has been ticking along nicely, although there was a big hiccup a few weeks ago when the whole family left me at the dog hotel for, what seemed like, a very long time.  The came back all smiles with brown skin, so they must have gone somewhere where the sun was shining quite a lot.  It was good to be back home, and I kept telling them that too (they weren't impressed).  It was also good to get back to annoying Pepper - apparently he'd enjoyed his cat hotel stay very much.  He mentioned something about "lots of peace and quiet"!
helping with the navigating
Anyway, I've been out and about in the Land Rover helping the Daddy navigate the green lanes around here and the Katie has been making me do lots of jumping in exchange for nice (but healthy) treats.  I think I'm pretty nifty at the jumping lark actually - perhaps I should go in for some competitions next year.
I can jump!

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